Bookmate alternatives

Reading has never been more convenient. With a Bookmate subscription you can read thousands of books using a simple application for mobile or tablet, or on your computer. Read, build your own library, see what your friends are reading, explore everything which Bookmate has to offer! The best Bookmate alternatives are: Scribd, Storytel, Audible

Here are the latest news about Bookmate:

2014. Ebook subscription service Bookmate launches iPhone, Android apps

Bookmate, the subscription-based social e-reading service, unveils a new reading app for iOS and Android. It features a social feed that allows users to follow their friends, favorite authors and celebrities on Bookmate, while also sharing their preferred books and passages. Users can also share books through Facebook, Twitter and the Russian social network VKontakte. Book discovery is further enhanced with recommendations based on bestsellers and popular books within the Bookmate community. The updated interface offers users a seamless and enjoyable reading experience across mobile, web and tablet platforms. By saving reading progress, Bookmate enables users to continue from the same spot when switching between devices. Books can be saved on devices for offline reading and users can customize the typeface, font size, background, text colors and contrast (including night mode) during reading.

2014. Bookmate - e-book subscription platform for emerging countries

Moscow-based startup Dream Industries has secured $3 million to advance its subscription-based social reading service Bookmate. The company aims to expand internationally from Moscow, beginning with Turkey, Scandinavia and Latin America. Bookmate is a subscription-based “social reading” service available on mobile, tablet and web platforms. It claims to have 1.5 million active monthly users. Unlike Amazon, Google Books, or iBooks, Bookmate is an open platform that connects publishers and readers directly. This allows publishers to access user behavior analytics and utilize promotional tools for direct marketing. As a result, they “own” their relationship with their readers—unlike the major players we are familiar with. This move is particularly intriguing, as emerging markets remain largely underserved by the largest players due to their reliance on extensive infrastructure that is often lacking in these regions.
