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Here are the latest news about Bookish:
2013. Bookish - book discovery based on Big Data and real experts
If you are searching for the next captivating book to read, you can try one of these social platforms that offer recommendation engines. Typically, you need to enter some books you enjoy and the site will look for users who also like those books and suggest some books that those individuals also enjoy. However, this strategy is not perfect, as different people have different sets of interests. That's why publishers, bookstores and startups are exploring alternative ideas. The new book discovery site Bookish utilizes a combination of two completely different methods—Big Data and recommendations from its own team of experts. How effective is it? Go and find out: enter a book you enjoy and receive these suggestions. Bookish also features built-in ecommerce links that allow users to purchase books from a variety of websites, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Apple's iTunes store, among others.
2013. Bookish - book discovery based on Big Data and real experts
If you are searching for the next captivating book to read, you can try one of these social platforms that offer recommendation engines. Typically, you need to enter some books you enjoy and the site will look for users who also like those books and suggest some books that those individuals also enjoy. However, this strategy is not perfect, as different people have different sets of interests. That's why publishers, bookstores and startups are exploring alternative ideas. The new book discovery site Bookish utilizes a combination of two completely different methods—Big Data and recommendations from its own team of experts. How effective is it? Go and find out: enter a book you enjoy and receive these suggestions. Bookish also features built-in ecommerce links that allow users to purchase books from a variety of websites, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Apple's iTunes store, among others.
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