Aldiko alternatives

One app to read them all. Bring all your ebooks, comics and audiobooks in the same place, no matter where they're coming from. Import your own EPUB, CBZ or PDF files. Buy all the latest releases and best sellers from Feedbooks, with a catalog that contains over a million references. Built-in support for public libraries, allowing you to easily browse your library's catalog and borrow books from them. Thousands of public domain books from Feedbooks The best Aldiko alternatives are: Moon Reader, Kindle, FBReader, AlfaReader

Here are the latest news about Aldiko:

2019. De Marque acquires Feedbook, Aldiko

French Canadian ebook distributor De Marque has acquired the assets of Paris-based Feedbooks for 230,000 euros. Feedbooks had filed for bankruptcy in June and is now being sold off in a liquidation sale. In addition to Feedbooks, De Marque is also acquiring Aldiko, the Android app developer that Feedbooks purchased in 2014. At one point, Aldiko was considered the top reading app for Android. All four Feedbooks employees will be kept on. There is no mention of the Aldiko developers, which we hope is an oversight. That team represents a significant portion of the company's value and if they leave, much of their expertise would be lost.
