Barnes and Noble Press alternatives

Barnes and Noble Press
Welcome to Barnes & Noble Press—a free, fast, and easy-to-use self-publishing service that enables you to publish and sell directly to our millions of readers. We've taken all the great aspects of NOOK Press and created one unified experience to make publishing your print or eBook as seamless as possible. Whether you're a seasoned or first-time author, or you simply want to print a beautiful book for personal use, Barnes & Noble Press helps you create your book, your way. We're here to help independent authors and content creators succeed by using the expertise and resources of Barnes & Noble. The best Barnes and Noble Press alternatives are: Kindle Direct Publishing, Lulu, Google Play Books Partner Center

Here are the latest news about Barnes and Noble Press:

2018. Barnes and Noble Press added new author tools

Barnes and Noble Press (formerly Nook Press) introduced several new features for its self-publishing platform. You can now schedule eBook price adjustments in advance and track trends with a new 30-day overview graph. If you want to make a hardcover or paperback version of your book available in all Barnes and Noble bookstores in the United States, their self-publishing service is the best option. Authors can also have their digital edition sold in the online store, allowing all readers to purchase the eBook version. Additionally, they have increased royalties and enhanced the print/eBook creation process.

2016. Barnes & Noble launched Nook Press Print self-publishing platform

Barnes & Noble announced today the debut of a new self-publishing print service called Nook Press, which will enable authors to convert their ebooks into print editions that can be sold in B&N stores and online at The service is self-service and allows authors to produce both hardcover and paperback versions. Through this service, authors who have sold 1,000 copies of a single ebook in the past year will have the opportunity to sell their print books locally, regionally, or nationally through B&N.

2014. Nook Press adds Print on demand service

Barnes & Noble announced that they are now competing with CreateSpace, Lightning Source, Blurb and other rivals in the POD (Print on Demand) market with the new Nook Press printing service. It provides a comprehensive do-it-yourself solution for producing hardcover or paperback books. The new service offers black and white or color printing, high-quality paper options, various trim sizes and cover treatments. With printing costs starting at $4 per copy for a 5x8 paperback, Nook Press POD can accommodate both color and black-and-white hardbacks and paperbacks. Unfortunately, there is no distribution option available yet, unlike Lightning Source and CreateSpace, which both offer distribution to bookstores.

2014. Nook Press self-publishing platform is now available in Europe

Barnes and Noble, the bookseller behind the Nook e-reader devices and digital store, has announced that the Nook Press self-publishing platform (formerly limited to the US) is now accessible to authors and publishers in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium. As part of this expansion, Nook Press now supports multiple languages, including French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch – and authors will be paid in their local currencies, the company confirmed. So, despite declining revenues, Nook executives continue to strive to grow the business.

2013. Nook rebrands and refreshed its self-publishing platform

Barnes & Noble has rebranded its self-publishing platform PubIt! as Nook Press and introduced several new features aimed at making self-publishing quicker and simpler. The company seeks to compete with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and other self-publishing tools. The main new feature is a tool that enables authors to write, format, edit and preview ebooks directly within a web-based platform. Additionally, there is a new “quick start” option that allows authors to test the service without initially entering all their vendor information. Authors can also securely and swiftly invite their network of friends and editors to review and comment on any NOOK Press project. Pricing remains unchanged: ebooks can be priced between $0.99 and $199.99, with royalties up to 65% (compared to Kindle’s 70%). The platform is currently only available to authors in the U.S.
